First Veneto Workshop of CABEE with PAsFeb 05, 2014 On the occasion of the exhibition "Smart GEO OIKOS - Planning and Action" during the International Fair "Smart Energy Expo" (Verona Fair, Verona), the Urban Section of the Veneto Region organised a public event and two workshops (one with the PAs and one with SMEs), activities under the project CABEE. |
First Veneto Workshop of CABEE with SMEsFeb 05, 2014 On the occasion of the exhibition "Smart GEO OIKOS - Planning and Action" during the International Fair "Smart Energy Expo" (Verona Fair, Verona), the Urban Section of the Veneto Region organised a public event and two workshops (one with the PAs and one with SMEs), activities under the project CABEE. |
Partnermeeting in LyonFeb 03, 2014 Actors discuss CABEE progress and develop CESBA initiative further. - In Isle d'Abeau in Lyon, France, actors of the projects of ViSiBLE and CABEE met in order to exchange their ideas and to further develop the CESBA Wiki. The ViSiBLE meeting was held at the 27th of January, whereas the CABEE PSG meeting took place on the 28th and the 29th of January. Within the CABEE meeting, the talk format “World Café” contributed to the fruitful outcomes of the meeting. |
CESBA Sprint WorkshopOct 24, 2013 Creative discussions on sustainable building in a inspiring Alpine scenery - Over 100 people from 11 European nations played an important part in the CESBA Sprint Workshop at the remote Almhotel Hochhäderich, Vorarlberg AUSTRIA from the 21st to the 23rd October 2013. Within 6 thematic sessions on different topics regarding sustainable building, the workshop participants conduced to the success of the workshop. |