Venezia – CESBA Regional ConferenceDec 10, 2014 CESBA initiative, opportunities and challenges for the 2014-2020 programming period in the Veneto Region. Criteria for the ecological renovation of public and social housing building stocks. December 10, 2014 Aula Magna Lybra - VEGA Room Lybra - Primo Piano - Via delle Industrie 17/A - Marghera (VE), Italy |
Venezia – Second Regional Workshop of CABEE with SMEsDec 10, 2014 Developing GPP criteria and tools to support the use of sustainable materials and construction techniques in the renovation of public buildings and social housing in Veneto December 10, 2014 Aula Magna Lybra - VEGA Room Lybra - Primo Piano - Via delle Industrie 17/A - Marghera (VE), Italy |
Venezia – Second Regional Workshop of CABEE with PADec 10, 2014 Relevant criteria for renovation of Public and Social Housing Building stocks in the period 2014-2020 December 10, 2014 Aula Magna Lybra - VEGA Room Lybra - Primo Piano - Via delle Industrie 17/A - Marghera (VE), Italy |
CESBA Conference in Brussels on the 7th of OctoberOct 07, 2014 Common approaches of Sustainable buildings in Europe in 2030 - this is the title of a high-level conference dedicated to CESBA that will take place during the OPEN DAYS at the 7th of October, 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm. |