Past Events
CESBA Conference at European Sustainable Energy Week - be a part!
Reach 100 % energy and sustainable high performance in buildings: assistance services, involvement of users, and local policies
Venezia – Regional Conference
CESBA initiative, opportunities and challenges for the 2014-2020 programming period in the Veneto Region. Criteria for the ecological renovation of public and social housing building stocks.
Venezia – Second Regional Workshop of CABEE with PA
Relevant criteria for renovation of Public and Social Housing Building stocks in the period 2014-2020
Venezia – Second Regional Workshop of CABEE with SMEs
Developing GPP criteria and tools to support the use of sustainable materials and construction techniques in the renovation of public buildings and social housing in Veneto
Collaborative day for territories - France
In the Frame of CABEE, RAEE organize, in collaboration with Tennerdis, a "Collaborative day for territories" to promote projects and cluster members to local authorities, first step for a closer partnership for sustainable energy development of our territories
Vorarlberg strategy regarding sustainable buildings: an inspiration for our territories
On 1st october 2013, Mr Dietmar lenz and Karl Torghele, from Voralberg, will set out the strategy of Vorarlberg to developp sustainble construction and impacts on local economy, to local representatives. Thuis will be an occasion for rhônalpine territories to be inspired b y the Vorarlberg.
2nd CESBA SPRINT Workshop with CABEE meeting
After the success of the 1st CESBA SPRINT Workshop in Hochhäderich, Austria, the 2nd CESBA SPRINT Workshop will be held in Turin, Italy, at the 1st of July, 2014. Actors dealing with the assessment of the sustainability of our built environment are welcomed to join the 2nd CESBA SPRINT Workshop. They can share their ideas for a harmonization of assessment systems, create new project ideas and network.
CESBA Sprint Workshop
ENJOY INSPIRED WORKING on sustainable buildings and neighbourhoods in a scenic mountainous location towards a harmonized assessment in Europe. You will work in small expert groups to develop concrete outcomes for the Common European Sustainable Building Assessment in only three days.