Good Governance
Development of an Alpine-wide Guideline
on Nearly-Zero-Emission-Buildings (NZEBs)
CESBA is the basis for the Alpine-wide Guideline which all partners will enrich from their regional experiences. The results will be the basis for transnational exchange. On theoretical level, the experiences of ENERBUILD/KGA (Vorarlberg) are used as a basic concept, guidelines on the whole building process and assessment indicators for quality (also e.g. water and waste) are established and distinguish between old, new, public and private buildings. On the practical level, existing methods are implemented, differences are identified, models for public tendering, procurement and evaluation are developed and on the management level an Open-Source approach is established for access and quality assurance.
Strengthen the model function of public buildings
Differences between public and private buildings are specified and the advantages of public process for reaching NZEB standards carved out. Up to 3 successful models (regarding all fields of the Alpine-wide Guideline) per partner region are prescribed in field studies. Project partners pick up one outstanding experience from each other to improve their situation in the own region.
Sprint-Conference to push innovation on CESBA,
21.-23.10.2013 Vorarlberg, Austria
On the 3day conference in Vorarlberg the results of the project work are exchanged with other projects, e.g. ALPBC. The aims are to discuss and improve results in a working atmosphere. The sprint-workshop guaranties a push for innovation. The conference has a marketing effect towards public authorities and SMEs and launches an excursion program including LCT1 (NZEB, ROCs, observers, public authorities and SMEs are invited and involved.
Establishment of an internet-based open-source support
The results of on-going studies and experiences in EU-projects are stored in an easily accessible and low cost Knowledge-Hub managed by the NENA-Network. The Alpine-wide Guideline (CESBA) is a basic for the hub. It is a goal to include further regional OS tools like “Baubook (A)”.